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1. Animals/organisms floating on the surface of the water are;

  1. Plankton

  2. Pelagic

  3. Benthon

  4. Neritic

2. Radial symmetry occurs in

  1. Fishes

  2. Molluscs

  3. Star fishes

  4. Sponges

3. Diploblastic animals occur in

  1. Annelida

  2. Porifera

  3. Coelenterata

  4. Both 1 & 2

4. Coelom is absent in

  1. Porifera

  2. Coelenterata

  3. Platyhelminthes

  4. All the above

5. An animal with metameric segmentation/ metamerism is

  1. Housefly

  2. Earthworm

  3. Roundworm

  4. Planaria

6. Arboreal mammals have

  1. Jumping character

  2. Burrowing character

  3. Climbing character

  4. Flying character

7. Choose the correct combination

  1. Annelida and Porifera ........... Phyla

  2. Oligochaeta and Arthropoda.........Phyla

  3. Mollusca and Hydrozoa........Classes

  4. Aves and Chordata...........Classes

8. Haemocoel is present in

  1. Hydra

  2. Earthworm

  3. Nereis

  4. Scolopendra

9. Veliger larva occurs in phylum

  1. Mollusca

  2. Echinodermata

  3. Arthropoda

  4. Cnidaria

10. Which of the following statements is false?

  1. Male roundworm is smaller than female

  2. Earthworms are hermaphrodite

  3. Echinoderms are protostomous coelomates

  4. Human teeth are anatomically comparable to scales of shark

  5. Hair is derivative of skin

11. Which organism possesses characteristics of plants and animals?

  1. Bacteria

  2. Monera

  3. Euglena

  4. Mycoplasma

12. In a sponge the whole inner surface of the asconoid is lined by

  1. Choanocytes

  2. Porocytes

  3. Pinacocytes

  4. Amoebocytes

13. In porifera skeleton is made up of

  1. Spicules

  2. Spongins

  3. Both 1 & 2

  4. Chitin

14. The correct pathway of water Movement in sponges is

  1. Osculum → ostia → spongocoel

  2. Ostia → osculum → spongocoel

  3. Osculum → spongocoel → ostia

  4. Ostia → spongocoel → osculum

15. The Skeleton of corals is formed of

  1. Silica

  2. Calcium carbonate

  3. Chitin

  4. Spongin fibre

16. Bioluminescence is seen in

  1. Amoeba

  2. Paramoecium

  3. Pleurobranchia

  4. Gorgonia

17. The respiratory organs of arthropods are

  1. Gills

  2. Book gills or book lungs

  3. Trachea

  4. All of these

18. Set of useful insects is

  1. Wasp,Anopheles and bed bug

  2. Bed bug, Silk moth and Anopheles

  3. Honey Bee, bed bug and locust

  4. Silk worm like insect and Honey Bee

19. Silk thread is obtained from Silk moth during

  1. Pupil stage

  2. Larval stage

  3. Nymph stage

  4. Adult stage

20. Locomotion in Echinodermata is by

  1. Cilia

  2. Muscles

  3. Feet

  4. Ambulacral system

21. Which of the following represents order of 'Horse'?

  1. Equidae

  2. Perissodactyle

  3. Caballus

  4. Ferus

22. Choose the correct statement.

  1. All reptiles have a three–chambered heart.

  2. All pisces have gills covered by an operculum.

  3. All mammals are viviparous.

  4. All cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins

23. Which of the following features is not present in Periplaneta americana?

  1. Schizocoelom as body cavity

  2. Indeterminate and radial cleavage during embryonic development

  3. Exoskeleton composed of N-acetylglucosamine

  4. Metamerically segmented body

24. Which of the following endoparasites of humans does show viviparity?

  1. Ascaris lumbricoides

  2. Ancylostoma duodenale

  3. Enterobius vermicularis

  4. Trichinella spiralis

25. An important characteristic that Hemichordates share with Chordates is

  1. Absence of notochord

  2. A ventral tubular nerve cord

  3. Pharynx with gill slits

  4. Pharynx without gill slits

26. Which group of animals belongs to the same phylum?

  1. Malarial parasite, Amoeba, Mosquito

  2. Earthworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm

  3. Prawn, Scorpion, Locusta

  4. Sponge, Sea anemone, Starfish

27. Which one of the following characteristics is not shared by birds and mammals?

  1. Ossified endoskeleton

  2. Breathing using lungs

  3. Viviparity

  4. Warm blooded nature

28. Mammary glands are modified

  1. Salivary glands

  2. Lacrimal glands

  3. Sebaceous glands

  4. Sweat glands

29. See the following diagram and identify the name of the animal and the Phylum to which it belongs correctly.

  1. Nereis - Annelida

  2. Balanoglossus- Urochordata

  3. Balanoglossus- Cephalochordata

  4. Balenoglossus– Hemichordata


30. Only poisonous lizard of the world is

  1. Draco

  2. Heloderma

  3. Sphenodon

  4. Varanus

31. Who called birds are glorified reptiles?

  1. Huxley

  2. Romer

  3. Mendel

  4. Robert Hooke

32. Without exception all birds are

  1. Omnivorous

  2. Have feathers and fly

  3. Forms nests and care them

  4. Calcareous shelled egg

33. Flight muscles of bird are attached to

  1. Clavicle

  2. Coracoid

  3. Keel of sternum

  4. Scapula

34. In insects, compound eyes are formed of

  1. Ocelli

  2. Ommatidia

  3. Eyespot

  4. Malpighian tubules

35. See the following figures and select the correct option with their respective classes.

  1. a – Chondrichthyes, b – Cyclostome, c – Chondrichthyes

  2. a - Chondrichthyes, b – Osteichthyes, c – Cyclostome

  3. a – Cyclostome, b – Chondrichthyes, c – Chondrichthyes

  4. a – Cyclostome, b – Osteichthyes, c – Chondrichthyes

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