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River surrounded by forest


1. Nutrition in Chlamydomonas is;

  1. Heterotrophic

  2. Parasitic

  3. Autotrophic

  4. Saprophytic

2. All algae have two pigments, they are;

  1. Chlorophyll a and carotene

  2. Chlorophyll b and carotenes

  3. Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b

  4. Phycobilins and carotenes

3. An example of colonial algae is;

  1. Chlorella

  2. Volvox

  3. Ulothrix

  4. Spirogyra

4. Oil is the Reserve food in

  1. Chlamydomonas (Chlorophyceae)

  2. Vaucheria (Xanthophyceae)

  3. Nostoc (Myxophyceae)

  4. Sargassum (Phaeophyceae)

5. Classification of plants on the basis of all observable characters carried out by computers

  1. Cytotaxonomy

  2. Chemotaxonomy

  3. Numerical taxonomy

  4. Phylogenetic

6. Unicellular algae rich in proteins and are used as food supplements even by space travelers

  1. Laminaria, sargassum

  2. Porphyra, laminaria

  3. Ulothrix, chlamydomonas

  4. Spirulina, chlorella

7. Fucoxanthin present in,

  1. Chlorophyceae

  2. Phaeophyceae

  3. Rhodophyceae

  4. Pteridophytes

8. Algae differ from bryophyte in possessing

  1. Naked sex organs

  2. Sex organs covered with a sterile covering

  3. Chlorophyll a & b

  4. Aerobic respiration

9. Bryophytes have;

  1. Archegoni

  2. Dominant gametophytic and parasitic sporophytic phases

  3. Thalloid plant body

  4. All the above

10. Bryophytes are of

  1. Great economic value

  2. No value at all

  3. Great ecological importance

  4. A lot of aesthetic value

11. What is incorrect for bryophytes?

  1. Vascular tissue lacking

  2. Independent sporophyte absent

  3. Gametophyte reduced and dependent

  4. Asexual reproduction by zoospores absent

12. Rhizoids in Riccia are

  1. Unicellular, smooth-walled

  2. Unicellular, tuberculate

  3. Both smooth-walled and tuberculate unicellular

  4. Multicellular smooth-walled and tuberculate.

13. Prothallus is

  1. Gametophyte, monoecious, autotrophs present in pteridophyte.

  2. Gametophyte, monoecious, autotrophs present in bryophytes.

  3. Gametophyte, dioecious, autotrophs present in pteridophytes.

  4. Sporophyte, dioecious, heterotrophs present in bryophytes.

14. Common characteristic between bryophytes and pteridophytes is

  1. Vascularization

  2. Terrestrial habitat

  3. Water for fertilization

  4. Independent sporophyte

15. In pteridophytes phloem is without,

  1. Sieve cells

  2. Sieve tubes

  3. Companion cells

  4. Both 2 and 3

16. Fruits are not found in gymnosperms plants because;

  1. They are seedless plants

  2. They are not pollinate

  3. They have no ovary

  4. Process of fertilization does not take place in them

17. Tracheophyta includes;

  1. Pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms

  2. Pteridophytes only

  3. Gymnosperms and angiosperms only

  4. Bryophytes only

18. The phenomenon of sulphur shower in Pine forest is due to;

  1. Presence of sulphur

  2. Presence of insects

  3. Release of pollen grains in a prodigious amount

  4. Large number of fruits

19. Coralloid roots of cycas are useful in

  1. N2 fixation

  2. Absorption of water

  3. Transpiration

  4. Fixation

20. Male cones of pinus are replaces

  1. Needles

  2. Dwarf shoots

  3. Long shots

  4. Scales

21. Which of the following features would distinguish a monocot from a dicot plant?

  1. Aestivation

  2. Vernation

  3. Phyllotaxy

  4. Venation

22. Cuscuta is a

  1. Total stem parasite

  2. Partial root parasite

  3. Saprophyte

  4. Partial saprophyte

23. Pneumatophores occur in plants of

  1. Sandy soil

  2. Saline marshy soil

  3. Marshy soil

  4. Water

24. Endosperm is generally

  1. Haploid

  2. Diploid

  3. Triploid

  4. Polyploid

25. Ovule is

  1. Megasporangium

  2. Microsporangium

  3. Integumented megasporangium

  4. Megaspore

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